LIFE WON'T WAIT ...The new studio album OUT NOVEMBER 2nd 2024

Welcome to my little web site ,here you can read about me and the band , listen to some of my tunes , see where im playing , watch a video of my playing my guitar and doing some singing and even get in touch with me ...... so feel free to have a look around !
Yes....... thats right folks ,just a few more days and Life Won't Wait is out !
It only feels like 13 years since i sat down to start the recording process.....hasn't quite been that long but ... you know.
12 tracks recorded at 13 Sound Studios with Charlie Lintern taking charge and producing for us again and once again bringing these tracks to life !!
The Fab MazArty has smashed the design for the cover , check futher down the site for links to her artwork!!
We are super excited about this and hope you lot enjoy it as much as we did making it happen !!
Matt Johnson is a Midlands based Singer / songwriter who really wears his heart on his sleeve at the same times as completely captivating his audience.
His subjects range from his family and the love of his life through to his view of the world now and his opinion on the plight of the oceans and our wildlife.
Hehas a fantastic ear for melodyand bulids a hook into every song that has his audience singing back at him by the second chorus.
Equally at home alone on stage with his acoustic guitar and trusty onion or supported by his super tight band, The Reprobates.
If you see his name playing near you go out and see him.
Your answer to "Who is Matt Johnson?" is best answered by the man himself!
Maggie Dave
Songs of Anger and Redemption.
The New studio album from The Reprobates and me good self !!!
Our new 5 track E.P.
Recorded at 13 Sound studios in Weston Super Marein December 2023.
Available to download or order from Bandcamp....... Available on all streaming platforms soon.........
New album comming in 2024 !!!!
Only known as Smudge as not even we know his proper first name !!
The guy keeping us in time and driving the tunes ,sometimes sounding like he has more arms than a hindu god !
YES !!!!
Shotgun Sid will be joining us on one of his beautiful Gretsch Guitars making noise whenever Shotgun Marmalade aren't out taking the Skapunk world by storm !
From Groovyfest 2023
The new album "Life Won't Wait "
Coming VERY soon
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